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Ancora 1
A simple and illustrated guide for the care of your shoes:

1.Remove thelacesfrom your shoes and insert inside theshoe treesof the correct size.
2.Remove thedustand thedirtwith aBrushsmall for upper inskin
and a littlewater.

3.Smear a creamfor leathers with circular movements with a small brush (remember to use the black one for black transparencies and the gray one for other colors) ._ cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Do not forget to clean theweltsand theupper!
4.Leave thecreamtopermeatethe skin for at leasttwo hours, soto removepossibleexcesseswith aBrushsmall and polish the shoe using aBrushgreat with movementslongAndI decided.

5.Apply theshinyfor shoes and polish the shoe using awide brushwith long, firm strokes to create an even shine.
6.Apply somewaterwith acloth.

7.Complete thepolishingperforming movementscircularwith a clothdry.
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